Monday, April 14, 2014

NT Wright on new book "Paul and the Faithfulness of God"

I have really enjoyed N.T Wright's writings in the past few years, and have even launched myself into his huge "christian origins and the question of God" series. Thus far, I have only read things by Wright concerning Jesus, the gospels and the resurrection. I have yet to read anything he has had to say concerning Paul. I have heard people I respect and listen too say that "his work on Jesus is amazing but his stuff on Paul you should stay away from." I believe the controversy of Wright and Paul is mainly concerning his views of justification, a view that gained popular light in the evangelical world when it went in a back and forth tussle with Piper a few years back. Anyways, because of the controversy I have always stood afar from his thoughts on Paul, but with his new book out I decided I would listen to this lecture about the book and justification. It's worth the listening too!

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