rummage |ˈrəmij| verb [ intrans. ] search unsystematically and untidily through a mass or receptacle: (he rummaged in his pocket for a handkerchief | [ trans. ] he rummaged the drawer for his false teeth.)
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Intro to Modernism and Postmodernism
john Stackhouse : Postmodernism: A Bad Thing? A Good Thing? Or Just a Thing? from CSPS on Vimeo.
An informative and entertaining presentation of the last few hundred years of western philosophy and society from "modernism to post-modernism".
Interesting new thoughts for me was calling postmodernism a "ptsd" movement...a reaction to the war, disappointment and failure of the enlightenment process. I like and agree with his consensus of Postmodernism as not a good thing, a bad thing but just a thing