Monday, March 31, 2014

Augustine on the Two Different Loves

Augustine in his book “On Nature and Grace” (415AD) talks about the two different cultures in this world: secular and celestial: 

“That which animates secular society is the love of self to the point of contempt for God. That which animates divine society is the love of God to the point of contempt for self. The one prides itself on itself, the pride of the other is in the Lord. The one seeks for glory from men, the other counts its consciousness of God as its greatest glory...These desires may therefore be described respectively as greed and love. The one is holy, the other foul; the one social, the other selfish; the one thinks of the common advantage for the sake of the higher association, the other reduces even the common good to a possession of its own for the sake of the selfish ascendancy. The one is subject to, the other a rival to God; the one is peaceful, the other turbulent; the one pacific, the other factious; the one prefers truth to the praises of the foolish, the other is greedy of praise on any terms; the one is friendly, the other envious, the one desires the same for his neighbor as himself, the other to subject his neighbor to himself, the one governs his neighbor in his neighbor’s interest, the other in his own.” 

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