Saturday, May 25, 2013

Peter Senge

This afternoon I listened to a few talks by Peter Senge (at the bottom of the page). I know Peter Senge through his book The Fifth Discipline, he is an MIT professor who challenges the way organizations (business, schools, governments...) think and act. He is most known for promoting "learning organizations" the idea of an organization that is constantly evolving and adapting, constantly learning. The talk I most enjoyed was the one on organizational culture (all 3 talks are only 3-7 minutes long). In the talk Senge defines culture as the deeply embedded unquestioned assumption that fleshes itself out in regular practices. He then makes in incredible remark on learning as a means of transforming culture...

"Learning...must transform culture, it must lead people to recognize unquestioned assumptions and entertain the possibility that they could be wrong and then do things that actually allow them to achieve things they could not achieve before and also embody a new set of assumptions"

This is the way I want to teach, this is the way I want to learn!

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